Dear Adult Readers,
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. Everyone has unpleasant emotions that suddenly come over them and leave them wondering,”where did that come from?” Something occurred in your current situation that triggered a negative response in your body. With EFT, you can use your fingers and tap on certain acupressure points on the body calming the body and making it possible to begin to think clearly again.
Consequently, EFT is a physiological, no drugs involved, self-help method to reduce stress and traumatic feelings in your body.
Ok, I know. That was an extremely simplistic definition of EFT. Remember, I’m a child’s author, not a doctor or scientist that can expertly explain the technical aspects of EFT.
SO, if you want to know about EFT at a more sophisticated level, I encourage you to go to the resource page and check out the links for websites that will give you all the information you want. Happy researching!
Hi kids,
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. I know, those are big words. Tapping is an easier word and I know you will understand it.
When you have YUCKY feelings, that is what Tipton and Toby call them, those feelings can make you want to fight or run away or maybe just go off and be all alone.
None of those are happy ways to deal with those YUCKY feelings.
When you tap on the spots told about in the book, those YUCKY feelings seem to just go away. You become calm again and even feel happy again. That is so much better than those YUCKIES!
That is what EFT is all about, helping us feel good again.